The premiere networking circle for English-speaking professionals who do business in Italy

American Business Group Rome

Speaker for March 2019 Lunch

Rebecca Spitzmiller Caracci

Rebecca SpitzmillerRebecca Spitzmiller Caracci is a professor of law at Roma Tre University, where she teaches International Business Contracts and Street Law and coordinates "Studying Law at Roma Tre," a program offering Italy's only dual-law-degree with the US. She also teaches Antitrust Law in Luiss University's MBA and business courses at the CIEE – where she is Past Director for Italy – and translates and consults for international law firms.

In 2009, Rebecca founded Retake Roma, one of Italy's most innovative, grassroots social movements, present with 85 neighborhood groups in Rome and in 40 cities across the peninsula, not to mention a significant following on social media. Italy's President Sergio Mattarella has recently awarded her for Retake's efforts, naming her as "Officer of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic," citing her engaging commitment to the fight against degradation, for raising awareness for the value of common goods, and diffusing a sense of civic pride upon the territory of Roma Capitale.

Rebecca's contact details:

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